
Stop whaling

In 2006, the Saint Kitts and Nevis Declaration opened doors for whaling in countries where whaling was previously prohibited. The Saint Kitts and Nevis Declaration was adopted by the slimmest possible margin by the IWC (International Whaling Commission) and is expected to pave the way for commercial whaling. Already, countries like Japan are killing more than 1300 whales every year, the 1300 whales killed every year are 'taken' under special permit and Japan still holds that it is hunting whales for purely 'scientific' purposes. Although Japan initially started by allowing only hunting of Minke whales; the Fin whale, Sei whale and Sperm whale is also hunted under special permit today.

Every year the number of whales being 'taken' (the term signifies that the whales are not being hunted since commercial whaling is still prohibited) is on the rise. The Inuit (Alaskan and Canadian natives) gather for a yearly hunting of the Narwhal. Hundreds of Narwhals are systematically slaughtered for food and ivory. The yearly slaughter of Narwhals is allowed because the Narwhal supposedly plays a vital role in the Inuit's lives.

The Narwhal is supposed to make up for ingredients (namely fresh vegetables) that would be otherwise expensive to fly into Alaska and parts of Canada. Surprisingly, the IWC's moratorium is voluntary and it is up to a country if they wish to join the IWC or not. Countries like Canada and Norway are no longer members of the IWC, and the Inuit and other hunters are free to hunt whales of their choice. Conservation groups the world over have vehemently protested the rampant hunting and slaughter of whales by the Japanese and Inuit. However, each government has chosen to ignore and in some cases justify the killing of whales. Surprisingly, whalers believe they are doing humans a service by 'culling' thousands of whales each year.

Whalers argue that since a common whale like the Minke whale consumes nearly 10kgs of fish every year they are depleting the stock of commercial fish. The truth is that whale feeding grounds and commercial fishing grounds rarely overlap. In addition, it has been established that whales feed on fish and ocean life that is usually present at the bottom of the ocean (whales usually consume animals like squids which humans do not consume). A recent BBC report established that humans and marine life can co-exist, and whales pose no economical or health hazard whatsoever.

Unfortunately, it will take more than a ban on whaling to stop countries like Japan and Canada from systematically slaughtering different whale species. Japan has recently put in a request for commencement of commercial hunting of Minke whales; ironically, all Minke whales 'taken' today are listed as non-commercial. Sadly, countries like Japan can choose to leave the IWC and join other organizations that suit their requirements or like Canada enforce no moratorium at all.

It is up to the leaders of the world to come together and stop the killing of whales and pressurise countries that are killing whales to stop doing so. Resource Box If you wish to help conserve whales or know more about whales visit

Michael Kelly-Gleeson is the author of this article on Save the Whales from Japan. Find more information about Japanese Whaling Must Stophere.

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